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May weather steams $150m for a fight

Dana White ' s FIRING BACK at Floyd Mayweather -- sayin' if he wants a 9 -figure payday for fighting Khabib , it ' s gotta be in the UFC .
Earlier this week, Floyd Mayweather said,

"It ' s my way , my rules. I ' m Floyd ' Money' Mayweather !"

So , you could say Dana/ Khabib and Floyd are at a stalemate .

" The answer is ' no .

' He ' s gonna have to come here and get his ass whoopin' , " White said .. . " We did that last time . You gotta come here this time."

" Every time he wants to box . You wanna fight ? Want to make 150 million ? Come over here and get your ass whooped . "

So , unless someone gives in .. . this thing ain ' t happening .

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