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Cheese maker arranged in court over cheese having same taste

The taste of a food cannot be protected by copyright, the EU's highest legal authority has ruled in a case involving a Dutch cheese.

The European Court of Justice said the taste of food was too "subjective and variable" for it to meet the requirements for copyright protection.

The court was asked to rule in the case of a spreadable cream cheese and herb dip, Heksenkaas, produced by Levola.

Levola argued another cheese, Witte Wievenkaas, infringed its copyright.

The firm claimed that Heksenkaas was a work protected by copyright; it asked the Dutch courts to insist Smilde, the producers of Witte Wievenkaas, cease the production and sale of its cheese.

The Court of Justice of the European Union was asked by Netherlands' court of appeal to rule on whether the taste of a food could be protected under the Copyright Directive.

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In its judgement, the European court said that, in order to qualify for copyright, the taste of a food must be capable of being classified as a "work" and it had to meet two criteria:

That it was an original intellectual creation
That there was an "expression" of that creation that makes it "identifiable with sufficient precision and objectivity"
The court found that "the taste of a food product cannot be identified with precision and objectivity".

It said it was "identified essentially on the basis of taste sensations and experiences, which are subjective and variable", citing age, food preferences and consumption habits as examples which could influence the taster.

"Accordingly, the court concludes that the taste of a food product cannot be classified as a 'work' and consequently is not eligible for copyright protection under the directive," it concluded.

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